Review: Criminal (2016)

My ratingIMDbRotten Tomatoes
Numbers obtained from IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes on April 20, 2016.

I watched this movie without great expectations, and yet, I left the theater disappointed. It could have been a much more exciting film, but I got the feeling that something was missing to make it more interesting…

Criminal starts at an accelerated pace, with the CIA agent Bill Pope (Ryan Reynolds) in the middle of a mission in London. However, he ends up being injured and killed by criminals. In order to find out what happened in the mission, as well as other information that Bill had, his superior Quaker Wells (Gary Oldman) seeks Dr. Franks (Tommy Lee Jones) to put into practice a bold theory: transfer the memories of a person to another. The recipient of Pope’s memories is dangerous convict Jericho Stewart (Kevin Costner). After the surgery, Jericho begins to suffer the consequences of having the memories of a stranger in his brain.

The premise may be different and curious, but the execution didn’t live up to the expectation.

First, there is much more violence than necessary. It’s true that they wanted to convey to the public that Jericho was violent and unable to feel anything before the surgery, but that doesn’t mean there is a hall pass for such violent scenes.

Second, the cast, despite being composed of good and famous actors, is not so inspired and connected among them. Tommy Lee Jones, in particular, doesn’t seem very excited about the role.

Third, there are some secondary characters and parallel stories that hinder the pace of the film.

Fourth and finally, Ryan Reynolds hardly appears! It’s almost a cameo, and not a major role as I had expected.

It’s pity it didn’t work, despite the potential. I’m glad I got tickets to see it for free – it’s not worth paying. Wait for it to get to Netflix or to regular television.

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