Review: Concussion (2015)

My ratingIMDbRotten Tomatoes
Numbers obtained from IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes on January 28, 2016.

As a Brazilian who’s not that into sports, I must confess that I’m never up-to-date on the news about scores, tournaments, etc. However, I do remember when the news are about injuries or, sometimes, unfortunately, death. This is the main theme on Concussion.

In Pittsburgh, pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu (Will Smith) is assigned to do the autopsy of football player Mike Webster (David Morse), who we’ve seen earlier in the movie having a weird behavior. He had consulted Dr. Julian Bailes (Alec Baldwin), the players’ physician, about his condition, but no clear diagnosis was given. After his death, Dr. Bennet realizes that Webster had suffered severe head traumas that could have lead to his mental deterioration and, ultimately, his death. His investigation clearly upsets the NFL, which doesn’t want to be associated with the deaths of football players.

It was extremely interesting to get to know more of this story, mainly because we can clearly see the power a sports organization has over important issues without having any official government opposition in doing so (the same thing happens in Brazil).

Will Smith is great as Dr. Bennet Omalu and I’m really sorry he wasn’t nominated for an Oscar this year, but the competition is extremely though. So, if you like movie about sports and based on real events, you’ll enjoy this one.

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