Review: How To Be Single (2016)

My ratingIMDbRotten Tomatoes
8/10Not available yet.Not available yet.Not available yet.Not available yet.
Numbers obtained from IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes on February 6, 2016.

A friend of mine used to say that she needed to have a boyfriend because she would always have someone to help her closing her necklace instead of trying to close it alone. That conversation came to my mind instantly when I was watching How To Be Single and I saw Alice (Dakota Johnson) struggling to open the zipper on the back of her dress. She, too, was craving for someone in her life to help her with that. And that’s one of the stories on How To Be Single.

In this comedy, we also three other single women and how they deal with it. Robin (Rebel Wilson) lives intensely, partying every night and dating a lot of guys. Meg (Leslie Mann), Alice’s sister, is a workaholic doctor who decides to have a baby by herself. Finally, there’s Lucy (Alison Brie), a romantic who searches endlessly for her soul mate online.

The film is extremely entertaining and funny and all the storylines were interesting. Having said that, I must point out that it doesn’t really teaches us how to be single. Out of the 4 women I mentioned above, Robin is the only one that genuinely is not interested in dating anyone seriously. Alice, the main character, is single for only 10% of the film. During the other 90% she’s either looking for someone or suffering because she’s alone. Of course we couldn’t expect a serious guide on how to be okay with being single, otherwise it wouldn’t be a romantic comedy.

Alice eventually figures out how to open the zipper without needing help, and that’s probably one of my favorite moments of the movie: it’s perfect fine not to be in a relationship right now. Sometimes the most difficult relationship is the one with yourself, because that’s when you are really you, dealing with your problems and insecurities (and closing your necklace by yourself) and not mirroring in someone else’s wishes and personalities.

Overall, it was a very fun film! I’m just a little annoyed that Rebel Wilson seems to be playing the same role over and over again… but apparently people are enjoying it, so I don’t think that will change anytime soon.

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