Review: Irrational Man (2015)

My ratingIMDbRotten Tomatoes
Numbers obtained from IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes on August 6, 2015.

I’ve recently listed the 10 best movies directed by Woody Allen, due to the release of Irrational Man. After watching the movie, I can say that my list remains intact.

Joaquin Phoenix plays Abe, a philosophy professor who is depressed and says his life has no meaning, moves to a small town and starts teaching at college where Jill (Emma Stone) is a student. She is fascinated by him and starts to reject the company of her own boyfriend Roy (Jamie Blackley) to spend more time with Abe. One day, however, Abe and Jill overhear a conversation in a diner that changes completely Abe’s life.

I won’t give the details of what happens because I don’t want to spoil it, but I just didn’t buy any of the storyline. Okay, he has an existential crisis and is depressed, but the rest? I don’t believe two women (Jill and Rita, played by Parker Posey) would be that interested in him and think he is that amazing. He is extremely pessimist, has a drinking problem and is self-centered. And he is not remotely charming or charismatic.

Also, I don’t buy that he suddenly gets back the will to live and finds a purpose in his life just from overhearing a conversation from people he never met in his life. There was a point in the movie that I thought it resembled Match Point, but the moment passed.

The thing I liked most about the film was its soundtrack, ironically upbeat for the theme being discussed. So maybe I’m too rational to enjoy this movie.

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